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The Fruit and Vegetable Diet

The Fruit and Vegetable Diet

Mom always told us to eat our fruits and vegetables ever since we can remember. Of course, we preferred our ice cream, candy and cakes waiting for us in the pantry, so we didn't want to hear that we had to eat the greens. However, as we have aged, we understand Mom's words - and why it is wise to follow them. 
A fruit and vegetable diet is truly healthy for us and Mom knew this was true for a few different reasons. Fruits and vegetables are low in cholesterol. They aren't your typical fries and burger - you can actually eat much more fruits and vegetables and not have to worry about your cholesterol count going through the roof. Take this information as an excuse to eat as much as you want while maintaining your health. You can consume as many greens as possible and still consume less cholesterol than a tiny piece of steak.

A fruit and vegetable diet also works well for anyone who is interested in weight loss. You will soon fit into your old clothes again that were perhaps growing a little too tight. Besides being low in cholesterol, fruits and vegetables also contain less calories. You won't have to starve yourself or cash in on crazy fad diets just to shed a few pounds if you use fruits and vegetables to the diet. You need to consider what foods and how much of each food you eat when you are trying to diet. Both type and amount of food will help you control your weight. 

When you are practicing a fruit and vegetable diet, you are destined to notice that your skin is starting to look better. You will notice a healthier glow and possibly less pimples. You might be wondering how this happened. Fruits and vegetables are very rich in antioxidants. These antioxidants are important to us to fight off all the bad free radicals which cause us to age and wrinkle. Unfortunately, these free radicals can be found everywhere, from the air we breathe in to the stress we internalize every single day. Eating those fruits and vegetables will help you get an even better skin than all those ointments and moisturizers you've been using. What's inside matters as much as what's outside the skin.

The fruit and vegetable diet also works wonderfully to detoxify your body from all the bad elements we introduce into ourselves. No matter how healthy we strive to act, we do fall for the smell of fries or freshly baked pastries. We need to help our body regulate and detox so it can absorb all the good nutrients we put into our bodies. Fruits and vegetables are natural detoxifiers which must be included in a daily diet.
The Fruit and Vegetable Diet Reviewed by Unknown on 8/22/2014 Rating: 5

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