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High Protein Diet Facts you should know

High Protein Diet Facts you should know
It has been a common belief by many that having a high protein diet will eventually lead to bone loss and may lead to osteoporosis. Also by having the diet, one is said to have a high risk of acquiring a kidney failure in some time in the future. Contrary to the beliefs, it is even proven that the diet can really be beneficial to improve on bone strength and helps rehabilitate muscle mass for aging people, which in turns is helpful to maintain healthy bones, prevent fractures and ward off osteoporosis. Speaking of the kidneys, studies have been made and concluded that having a high protein diet doe’s not put one into risk of getting kidney failure. Only when tested with subjects who are known to have chronic kidney problems that a certain degree of danger presents itself. You have to be on the lookout if you are amongst those who don’t have a healthy kidney, as having so, will eventually change the choices of your diet to help with the health of your kidney and not destroy it any further.

As of this printing, no known evidence or conclusive claims have been put in writing about high protein intakes that leads to kidney failure. It is just a myth and many have fallen into believing it. You can trace the roots of this absurd claims to people who suffered long enough of kidney illness one way or another, when they go into this kind of diet, and they complicate their situation even further. Real proof from studies shows that having high protein in your body increases the kidney’s filtering rate, called hyperfiltering. But having hyperfilteration doesn’t mean your kidney will fail. Some new groups emerged as of late claiming that hyperfiltering is normal, and any person’s adaptive way of training the kidneys to the new function it will be done due to the diet, just like training a muscle to perform additional task like weight lifting, sports and many others like the lungs during Cardio.

Another known misconception from high protein food intakes is it can be dangerous to bone health in the long run. Like earlier, this is contrary to the real approved study that shows a slight but very well upgraded benefit to bone health with bone mass, calcium cells absorption and helping of repairs of bones and muscle strength. The false theory could come from the notion that protein has acid-based imbalance nutrients, which can cause harm to calcium regulation in the body. Still like before, there is no truth or conclusive studies for this misconception.

High Protein Diet Facts you should know Reviewed by Unknown on 8/22/2014 Rating: 5

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