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Fewer Large Meal is Better to Lose Weight

Fewer Large Meal is Better to Lose Weight
Today, many people consider weightloss as a big factor in their life. Since there is a significant increase in obesity, people started to become aware of their health and try a specific diet for losing weight. The most popular diets would probably be eating multiple small meals in a day, eating heavy breakfast, and eating a light dinner. As popular as these two may seem, a recent research showed at the American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions suggest that there is a positive effect in health and weightloss by having intermittent fasting.
The researchers from Czech Republic enrolled 54 participants that have type 2 diabetes for at least 24 weeks. The researchers divided the participant’s randomly in two groups and gave them a diet for losing weight and reducing their energy consumption by roughly 500 calories that has a 20 to 25 percent protein, a controlled intake of up to 50 to 55 percent of carbohydrates and a less than 30 percent of fats every day.
For the first twelve weeks, one of the groups ate the three key meals, breakfast, lunch, dinner and added three small snacks between those meals. The other half only had two meals in a day making them eat a big breakfast between six in the morning until ten and a heavy lunch between twelve in the afternoon until four. The researchers then switched their meal plans after the first twelve weeks. They also asked the participants not to alter the exercise program they have during the entire study.
The result was an astounding loss of weight to both groups and decreased amount of fats in their liver. However, the group that had two large meals in a day during a twelve-week period lost more than the group who ate smaller meals. Eating fewer and bigger meals also led in lowering down the fasting blood sugar level and efficient production of insulin. It also showed that a groups timing and frequency of meals did not affect the beta cells function to produce insulin or the glucose metabolic clearance rate.
It is a fact the this diet for losing weight can be very interesting. The only downside is the habit of skipping dinner on a daily basis because the body consumes the majority of calories at night when a person is not active. And when a person is not active, insulin sensitivity drops. It would probably best to eat a nutritious small meal at dinner and walk for at least fifteen minutes to lower the risk of diabetes. Just remember that weightloss needs time and patience in achieving the ideal weight you want.
Fewer Large Meal is Better to Lose Weight Reviewed by Unknown on 8/22/2014 Rating: 5

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